Wednesday, May 17, 2006

On barfing III (questionable causes)

So over the past few weeks I have been ranomly throwing up. Well maybe not so random. It happens when I eat. I will be eating and then all of a sudden violent barfing becomes me. And then, shortly thereafter, it is all over. BUT, I don't feel nautious, I don't feel ill at all. It's just sometimes when I eat I get seriously ill. It also happens mostly while I'm eating at restaurants, which isn't cool at all.

There's nothing so gratifying as beginning to eat a meal you've ordered, only to be interrupted by the serious need to run to bathroom and remove all of said meal from your system, before returning to your table and paying for the food that you just flushed down the toilet.

So I went to the doctors after about two weeks of barfing every other day and he sent me to an allergist. The allergist was very nice and it was all a little strange, but oddly I really enjoyed the experienced. So he asks me a million questions, pokes around me, does the throat, nose, blood pressure, heart and lung check. His assistant takes my height and weight, has me blow into this machine while says really loud: "blllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooowww!!"
Then she comes into your little room where you're half dressed in a blue paper bag with a bunch of test tubes, and marks up and down my arms with a pen and then drops various anonymous and multicoloured mystery liquids, before taking a razor and 'scratching' at all the points where the drops are.
So later on the doctor comes back and says that i am allergic to trees, but not to eggs as expected. As a result, there is no answer to barfing phenomenon.

He told me to stop eating eggs for like a month and then try again and see what happens.

p.s. this actually happened in May 2005. This post was moved over from my previous blog. Just so you know, the barfing stopped and now I am back to enjoying oeufs poached once again. Yummy, eggs.....


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