The World Devoured

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy Holidays or fire

Happy Holidays (that's right, NOT merry christmas, you refusers of all things considerate and p.c. in this world!) and Happy New Year to all.

After the madness of December, with our 8 visitors from various continents and provinces, etc., we had a quiet new years. Or at least we did until I set my head on fire.

Oh, yes, you read that right. Like the brilliant thing I am, I accidentally put my long hair into a candle and surprise surprise, my hair lit up. Pretty soon things got out of control, with a fireball outsizing my fat head taking hold at a rapid rate (see this is why I don't use hairspray kids), but thankfully Milo saved me by pounding my head with a kleenex box (a promo I'm sure the company would love). After that, our guests were none too pleased with the stink of burning flesh filling the apartment. Oh well. Their prob. Nothing a little febreeze can't fix.

So yeah. Happy Holidays and all that.