The World Devoured

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Battle of Wits

What the fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck is wrong with our world. Everyone seems to feel that each dawn requires a call to arms. It all does really feel like it's spiraling out of control.

Even seemingly intelligent, collected people are losing it over dinner regarding the whole Israel-Hezbollah fiasco. "This lamb is really fantastic, BUT THE PALESTINIANS HAVE NO DIGNITY!!!!!"

My dear Gwen, you know you're lovely and wonderful, but you really lost it the other night and your rant came out of nowhere. Not that it wasn't entertaining. Not that these aren't serious times requiring serious discussion, it was just so out of left field. One minute we're talking about which is the worst "star trek" and then next you're taking on the United Nations. And you mock me for being a drama queen. T'was tres amusant.

Johnny was just in town last week, and Milo and I were discussing how truly hilarious it would have been to put the two of you at a table, serve pork, and then bring down the cage and watch the two of you go nuts.

Although I remain in favour of a battle of wits over brawns. Now we just need that little Sicilian guy and some odourless, scentless poison. None of you non-80's movie lovers know what I'm talking about right now. But I know Chris is right there with me.

Okay, this post was supposed to be some sort of stance on international relations at the moment, but as per usual eroded into some lame anecdote.

Ah well. Back to work.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

cycle the unicycle

It feels like a cycle.

Like the more other people let me down the more I end up letting others down, and therefore, innevitably the more they let me down. I feel like I am perenially trapped in that cycle at the moment. It sucks.

Guy once said that I expect a lot from people, without realising that my expectations are unreasonably high. I keep saying that the hardest part of life is getting used to being repeatedly disapointed in others. And so it goes.

I wish I could crawl out from under this, but I don't know how.

Why did it have to get to this point? I keep wondering. And all of the unanswered questions in the universe seem to swirl around my head endlessly and I feel like I'm floating, vaguely nauseus, and yet peacefully disconnected. And then the sun crashes down again and I realise that this is in fact my life and I can't hide from it.

God, I'm so bored of myself.

But at least I'm going to see my favorite play tonight with one of my favorite people. There's nothing like a little Harper/Prior/Belize therapy to shake a girl out of her gloom state.

"I live in America Louis, that's hard enough, I don't have to love it."
"You know you've hit rock bottom when even drag is a drag."
"In this life there's a kind of painful progress. At least I think that's so."