The World Devoured

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

while we get caught up to our own mistakes....

A plane flies too low

Over this building

Full on the side

With office windows

Instinctively come undone

By the thoughts

That every good North-American

Gets going on since that hot autumn day

You know we’re just living

In this borrowed time village

Where it's crystal that someday soon

The rooster is going to crow holocaust

It’s just a matter of time now

Silently we accept the end of the

Era of deceiving ourselves

About the inevitable harvest

And do you regret

The things you don’t say

More than the things

That you do?

I keep trying to

Squeeze these words out

Whispering “I miss you,

And won’t you stick around”

But whenever I seem to

Manage a push

You always find a way

To pull back instead

You say you have your reasons

And I believe that’s true

But sometimes

I need to hear it from you

Monday, January 14, 2008

As I Mature (or something like it...)

How true!

Let me know if you can't read it.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christmas 2007 (The two D's)

Sometimes I’m lost for the trees

There unraveling

Before your very eyes

Disabled and stuttering

I used to run for the woods

Now it's to the basement camp out

Hiding from the thundering demons

Playing board games upstairs

But he looks at me

With eyes unafraid

He doesn’t laugh

Or call me names

Maybe there’s a shinning star

Hidden underneath that armor of casual

A world of compassion

Maybe not so hidden after all

Perhaps before now

I should have guessed

Given the name

With which you’ve been blessed

Such a simple thing:

A moniker

I don’t even have one

I can stick to

Yet it seems to carry something

You two strangers and blessings

Both replete with this phenomenon

That you can stand

With fortitude

Facing the waves

Of my ascending madness

And not even blink

And not even shudder

That’s something, my friend

That’s more than you will ever know.